Christopher Bibbo, MD, FACS

Plastic surgery, Trauma, Lower extremity, Podiatry | Specializes in nerve repair

Baltimore, MD

Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics

2401 West Belvedere Avenue, Schoeneman, 2nd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21215

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Owings Mills, MD

LifeBridge Health at Foundry Row

10084 Reisterstown Road, 300-A
Owings Mills, MD 21117

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Medical Degree: Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine from the U.M.D.N.J./Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine and a Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine from Temple University
Residency: New Jersey Medical School (Rutgers New Jersey Medical School),
Certifications: DO, FACS, FAAOS

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